Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cairns Car Guide Car Spectacular Preparation

Yesterday I arrived at Squeakers (aka Neil) and Neil had the car turned around and was positioning it in the shed. Neil and I have for weeks discussed what we were going to do to the car in preparation for the Cairns Guide show to the car. Work started last night and the above picture is were we finished last night most things strip out. We will be taking the power steering pump off to paint and the thermostat housing has to come off to be rebuffed.
We had a hell of a job getting the Extractors out, they had better go back in easier when there painted. All the alloy pits are to be re polished or to be polished and some other bits are off to be painted.
This is what it looked like before we started our attack. Neil is the driver behind this preparation. We have had a problem with Power steering fluid leaking , we think we found were it was coming from last night ,I will get the part and see if the switch is the problem.
Up on the stands and and ready to be cleaned underneath, wheels to be fully cleaned and detailed and full clean up and detail under the car. We have two weeks to get it done before the Supercheap Sausage Sizzle day. I will keep this up to date as we progress with the work.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Serious Stuff

Snort performance Stage II Turbo and Water to Air Intercooler kit. Good to 380kw on a standard motor. But my motor is no were near standard......

Three inch Dump pipe should help the spent gasses escape......

NQPFC October Cruise.

Lookout stop
Birds of prey in the mist.
Chef Neil cooked up a storm as usual. beef and pork rissoles, chicken salad, pasta salad, lettuce and tomato salad and a drink all for $5. And the club still made a small profit.

Finally something the blog. I missed the breakfast but caught up with the crew at the turn off to lake Morris. I had a great day and the drive back down the Mountain was a good test of the Fairlane as the Falcon is in Neils in pieces getting ready for the Cairns Post Car Spectacular later in November. We had such a good time during the day we followed up with dinner at the Balaclava Hotel that night.

November is looking like a busy month with the club showing and running a BBQ at Super Cheap in Manunda to raise funds for the club on the 8Th. The following weekend is a show at the Burnouts then the following weekend is the Cairns Auto spectacular. The last weekend of November is the clubs Christmas Weekend in Cardwell, Big,Big weekend.

Once all this is over the car is back to Neils and out comes the motor and the serious stuff starts. More on that later.